Nourishing creativity through art!
It is said that when creativity spirit stirs, it animates a style of being: a lifetime filled with the desire to play, to innovate, to explore new ways of doing things, to bring dreams to reality. And this is exactly what I aim for every single day when I toggle with various mediums in my art studio-The Creative Dimensions (Noida).
Right from its inception, my studio has been involved in mentoring young and grown-ups alike in the field of fine arts. I sincerely believe in the fact that nothing goes wrong with art and it is purely the freedom to express oneself by using the correct methodologies and keeping a compositional balance in your works. I guide my students to create beautiful artworks by using various mediums and simultaneously learn to respect and appreciate art. Through proper exposure and interaction, I aim towards building an art community which brings a difference to the society and helps to uplift the art market globally.
I have been successfully curating art shows and participating in various art events with my students so that their passion finds a way and they are able to further pursue their goals and never fade away in the struggle to receive the encouragement they need, to showcase their artworks.
My studio has been an active center for creating art for shows across Delhi-NCR. It has been doing commission works for clients, interior designers and architects and private collectors both India and overseas as well.
At its heart, the purpose of my studio is to let my budding artists delve into the various ‘Creative Dimensions’ of their ability to create and enjoy every moment of their journey in the world of art!
Because we believe in art, Art that connects to the Heart.